One-Stop Shop For The Best Bitcoin Yields

SolvBTC is the gateway to the best Bitcoin yields available on the market, be it on CeFi or DeFi. Solv Protocol will actively seek out the best Bitcoin yields on the market, and integrate them onto Solv, allowing our users the fastest and safest way to get access to high quality Bitcoin yields available on the market.


SolvBTC.ena, is a liquid yield token for Bitcoin, and is live on BNB Chain, Arbitrum, and Merlin Chain. SolvBTC.ena is minted by depositing SolvBTC into our SolvBTC Ethena Vault. SolvBTC.ena allows holders to capture sUSDe yields generated from Ethena, while maintaining exposure to Bitcoin.

The SolvBTC Ethena Vault leverages Bitcoin as collateral to borrow stablecoins, which are then used to mint and stake Ethena’s USDe. This process captures yield from two main sources:

  1. Ethereum Staking

  2. Funding and basis spread earned from delta hedging derivatives positions

This allows users to earn a competitive net APY of ~10-15%. Additionally, participants receive bonus token incentives from both Solv and Ethena, enhancing their returns:

  1. 10x SATs per $ per day in Ethena SATs

  2. 6 XP per $1 per day in Solv Points


  1. The SATs are claimed by the vault’s minting address on behalf of users and proportionally distributed to SolvBTC.ena holders after the Ethena SATs Campaign concludes. The amount received at the end of the campaign will be dependent on the vesting schedule that Ethena sets for the tokens.

  2. The 10x SATs are based on the USDe minted, which results in lower SATs received due to the lower loan-to-value (LTV) ratio when borrowing USD using Bitcoin as collateral.

  3. Users must complete KYC to invest in this vault.

Solv Protocol will work on integrating SolvBTC.ena into various DeFi protocols, offering maximum flexibility and accessibility for a thriving BTCFi ecosystem. Key integrations include:

  1. DEXs: Provides SolvBTC.ena holders with instant liquidity and access to high-quality yields without requiring KYC.

  2. Lending Protocols: Allows SolvBTC.ena holders to lend their tokens, earning extra yield while enabling borrowers to access leveraged yield positions.

  3. Yield-Trading Protocols: Enables users to trade the future yields of SolvBTC.ena, manage yield exposure fluctuations, and optimize returns.

Through these integrations, Solv is not only providing immediate value to SolvBTC.ena holders but also laying the groundwork for deeper Bitcoin integration into DeFi.

Last updated